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It all starts with an original image...

... and then my imagination takes over.

Hello friends, Becky here. As you know you I LOVE antique imagery, but sometimes I feel certain images could use a modern refresh. I absolutely love to reimaging these types of images into all new works of art.

I am so excited to share this unique collection offering with you.

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carte postalecarte postale
butterfly princessbutterfly princess
autumn tigerautumn tiger
flight of the butterfliesflight of the butterflies
flowers are the remedyflowers are the remedy
terrace gatheringterrace gathering
wheeee .....wheeee .....
the morning quietthe morning quiet
prince candy caneprince candy cane
looking to the futurelooking to the future
puppy portrait: diegopuppy portrait: diego
flowers with mommyflowers with mommy
princess bubblegumprincess bubblegum
little bo-peeplittle bo-peep

"Everything you can imagine is real." - Pablo Picasso.